how long are you contagious with a virus
- Cold & Influenza Contagious
- How long is a common cold or flu contagious?
- Cold & Flu Symptoms
- How do you know if I take a cold or the flu?
- How the Viruses Spread
- How are cold and influenza viruses spread?
- Signs You lot're Cured
- How practise you lot know if the flu or cold is gone?
- When to See Doctor
- When should someone seek medical care for a cold or the influenza?
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How long is a cold or flu contagious?
Discover how long a mutual common cold and the flu are contagious.
Both colds and the flu are contagious and are caused by viruses. However, the viruses that cause colds (for example, rhinoviruses) are non the same as those that crusade the flu (influenza viruses). Although the typical incubation menses for influenza is about i to iv days, some adults can exist contagious from about one twenty-four hour period before onset of symptoms for upwards to two weeks. Other people who develop complications, such as pneumonia, may extend the contagious period for a week or 2. For colds, nigh individuals become contagious about a day before cold symptoms develop and remain contagious for about five to seven days. Some children may pass the flu viruses for longer than vii days (occasionally for ii weeks).
Colds are considered upper respiratory infections. The flu may also cause lower respiratory infections.
Are You Likewise Ill to Work?
First and foremost, consider whether you are putting yourself or others at risk if you go to work. You lot're putting others at risk if you or your children have a contagious disease (more on that afterward). You're putting yourself at risk if the symptoms of your condition, or the side effects of medication, could cause you lot to have an accident on the job, hurt others, or produce devastating mistakes in your work product. Putting anyone in harm'southward style is a articulate reason to stay home.
How practise you know if I have a common cold or the flu?
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For both the common cold and the flu, early symptoms may be similar. Symptoms and signs include a cough, runny olfactory organ, and feeling tired. If yous know you lot have had contact with someone with a common cold or the flu in the past few days, you should suspect you may take become infected. However, flu symptoms generally are more intense than cold symptoms. People with influenza can develop fever, trunk aches, chills, and headaches, and some develop nausea and vomiting. Common cold symptoms are much milder and usually do not require medical care. Nonetheless, if you suspect you have the flu, you should seek medical care. The flu often can exist diagnosed with rapid tests available to most physicians.
How are cold and influenza viruses spread?
A cold and the influenza are easily spread from person to person, the influenza most oft by aerosol produced by coughing and sneezing. Cold viruses in droplets are spread mainly paw to hand. These droplets contain the infectious viruses. Occasionally, these droplets state on various surfaces and, depending on the survivability of the virus blazon, can be transferred when an uninfected private touches the contaminated surface and subsequently touches his/her mouth or nose.

Which illness is known as a viral upper respiratory tract infection? See Answer
How do you lot know if the influenza or common cold is gone?
In most instances, individuals with a cold will resolve their symptoms without medical intervention in most one week, although sometimes the cough may last longer. Withal, at this point in fourth dimension, the cough is not spreading contagious virus. When common cold symptoms and signs resolve, a person is cured of a cold. The influenza is similar except that the symptoms are more severe and, in some individuals, medical intervention may be required (for case, antiviral medications). However, depending upon the flu strain and the severity of infection, some individuals may require hospitalization. The cure for these individuals occurs when symptoms resolve and the patient is discharged from the hospital.
The stomach flu is not caused past cold or past flu viruses. The term stomach flu is a nonspecific term that describes symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Although these symptoms may occur with the flu, the flu is a respiratory infection. In nigh individuals with only stomach flu, the causes are usually non-flu type viruses. Similarly, cold sores are not actually caused by cold viruses merely by herpesviruses.
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When should someone seek medical care for a cold or the flu?
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Unless the person has medical issues, such as a depressed immune system, most individuals practise non demand to seek medical intendance for a cold. Yet, individuals with the flu may need to seek medical care nether the following conditions:
- Fever that is continual or becomes high
- Shaking chills
- Coughing that produces bloody sputum and/or a green-yellow color
- Difficulty breathing
- Chest pain or chest pressure
- Repeated nausea and vomiting
- Confusion
- Facial pain
If there is whatever question as to whether or not you have a cold or the flu, especially during flu flavour, you lot should seek medical care.

How to Get Rid of a Cold: Natural Remedies See SlideshowReferences
U.s.a.. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Influenza (Influenza)." Mar. viii, 2022. <http://world wide>.
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